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When and Where
  • From Air Force CDAIO to Inspiring Innovator: Breaking the Barriers in Data
  • 11/21/2024 11:00 AM EST
  • 11/21/2024 12:00 PM EST

Join us for an interactive discussion led by Aritra Saha (Manager, Data Engineering, Analytics and Data Sharing, American Airline) and Shambavi Dhall (Business Data Analytics and Information Technology Associate, Credit One Bank).

In this webinar, Eileen Vidrine shares her inspiring journey of breaking the barriers within both the Air Force and the data industry, traditionally male-dominated fields. As the former Chief Data & AI Officer for the Department of the Air Force, Eileen tackled significant challenges, from establishing the Chief Data Officer role—when the concept was still in its infancy—to overcoming resistance to a data-driven culture in a highly structured environment.

Her resilience, strategic vision, and commitment to building diverse, high-performing teams allowed her to transform obstacles into opportunities, creating pathways for future leaders. This session will delve into how she championed diversity and inclusion, secured leadership buy-in, and spearheaded initiatives that have redefined data and AI landscapes.

Attendees will gain actionable insights on breaking organizational barriers, fostering team collaboration, and driving innovation despite adversity. This is an opportunity to learn how Eileen successfully navigated complex challenges and led transformative change.